To the leadership of the PFLP CONDOLENCES AND SOLIDARITY MESSAGE The Workers' Communist Party (AKP) of Norway, conveys its warmest condolences and solidarity message to the PFLP and the family of Abu Ali Mustafa. The deliberate murder of the General Secretary Abu Ali Mustafa unmasks the terrorist character of the zionist regime in Israel today, also for those not being aware of it beforehand. This crime will neither crush the legitimate struggle of the people of Palestina, nor the solidarity movements around the world. On the contrary, this brutal murder of one of the political leaders of the Palestinian struggle must be taken as a strong reminder for us - here in Norway and elsewhere - to put even more efforts in our solidarity work. We share your mourning on the loss of your beloved leader and family man Abu Ali Mustafa and will do our best to strenghten the solidarity work for the Palestinian people - here in the land of the so-called Oslo-"peace"-process. Warmest solidarity greetings The leadership of the AKP Arbeidarane sitt kommunistparti, AKP, vil uttrykkja dei sterkaste kondolansar til PFLP og til familien til Abu Ali Mustafa. Det feige mordet på generalsekretær Abu Ali Mustafa får ein verknad tvert i mot av det Israel ynskjer. Israel vil kappa hovudet av den palestrinske motstanden, og audmykja det palestinske folket. Me veit det vil slå feil. Motstanden mot okkupanten Israel vil berre veksa seg større og sterkare. 600 palestinarar er drepne dei siste 11 månadene. Likevel vik ikkje palestinarane attende. AKP meiner drapet på Abu Ali Mustafa er ei kraftig påminning for oss her i Noreg om å setja endå fleire krefter inn i solidaritetsarbeidet med Palestina |